30min for your development #27
Today’s playlist is dedicated to reflecting as Leader and Manager for on the future of companies and leaders in the new digital era. There are 3 readings are from MITSloan and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) grounded in their investigation. Keep learning and prepare yourself and take your time to update your toolbox, “Self 2.0”.
Leadership Mindsets for the New Economy
Successful companies are passionate about fostering a community of leaders with new mindsets. What are those key element companies will look at in a leader for the new era? How you can make changes in your company’s culture if you are not part of the C-suite?
12 Essential Leadership Insights
Leading teams and organizations today requires honing strategic and digital skills, hiring and mentoring diverse employees, and being agile and adaptive in the face of constant change. This is a collection of 12 articles cover different topics like managing high potentials, virtual teams, processes and new trends like digital.
The Company of the Future
In the coming decade, companies will increasingly need to compete on the rate of learning. Technology promises to play a critical role: artificial intelligence can detect patterns in complex data sets at extreme speed and scale, enabling dynamic learning. This will allow organizations to constantly adapt to changing realities and surface new opportunities, which will be increasingly important in an uncertain and fast-changing environment.
If you like the reading and want to continue, please visit the site Future of Leadership in the Digital Economy on the MITSloan site.
Hope you enjoy this selection and share your comments below
Happy Learning