
30min for your development #37

Today’s playlist is free! all courses and materials can be accessed for free; you will only need the commitment to self-improvement and plenty of dedication. The selection includes readings related to the lessons we should learn from the pandemic, in regards to innovation, bureaucracy reduction and what are offers nonsense in well-being. For courses, as mentioned before this selection is completely free, you can learn about Management with OHSC, Creative Thinking with ICL and Business of Biotechnology with MIT, go ahead and enrol to improve your skills. Keep learning, stay safe and be positive “#Self20”.


Lessons in Rapid Innovation From the COVID-19 Pandemic by Georg von Krogh et al. at MITSloan

Solving problems during a crisis demands speeding up innovation by repurposing the knowledge, resources, and technology you already have at hand.

Oxford University is leading in the vaccine race by The Economist

A blend of experience, research money, fast approvals, and production agreements. Oxford’s vaccine is already in three late-stage trials. Only one other vaccine, developed by Sinopharm, a Chinese firm, has started a late-stage trial, and it does not have the global support and finance that Oxford’s does.

We’ve Reached Peak Wellness. Most of It Is Nonsense. by Brad Stulberg at Outside

Across the country, everyone is looking for a cure for what ails them, which has led to a booming billion-dollar industry—what I’ve come to call the Wellness Industrial Complex. The problem is that so much of what’s sold in the name of modern-day wellness has little to no evidence of working. Which doesn’t mean that wellness isn’t a real thing.


9th July - How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy, and Our Health by MITSloan

In this webinar, Sinan Aral will discuss the future of social media – termed by Professor Aral as “The Hype Machine” – and our world. In a post-Covid society, social media is becoming an even more central source of information and human connection. How can we manage “The Hype Machine” in a world radically impacted by the global pandemic?


Management Course by OHSC

This introductory Leadership/Management Course has been designed exclusively for us by industry veterans and respected academics. This course focuses on three primary topic areas, which include the characteristics of leadership and management, professional resource management, the provision of feedback and the organisation/management of meetings.

Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success by ICL

The greatest innovators aren’t necessarily the people who have the most original idea. Often, they are people- or teams- that have harnessed their creativity to develop a new perspective or more effective way of communicating an idea. You can train your imagination to seize opportunities, break away from routine and habit, and tap into your natural creativity.

The Science and Business of Biotechnology by MIT

This course focuses on early-stage biotechnology companies, with particular emphasis on understanding the underlying science, technology, and disease targets—together with the application of novel business structures and financing methods—to facilitate drug discovery, clinical development, and greater patient access to new therapies.

Hope you enjoy this selection and share your comments below
Happy Learning

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