
30min for your development with Lynda #18


Hello there, I know you have been waiting for a selection of courses for this weekend while the weather is not necessarily the best (at least in the UK) In today’s playlist we will be digging into the Digital Transformation from the HR perspective (don’t miss it), also learning about changes and how to get the most of it (a matter of perspective) and finally about embedding creativity within the organization; all of it to be a better professional while building a better us “Self 2.0

HR and Digital Transformation by Charlene Li

Is Digital Transformation only to do with technology? Is a journey only the IT folks should lead? What about people, what is the role HR has to play in the Digital Transformation journey? Should be talking about Partnership with other functions in the organization to lead the way of the Digital Transformation? In this course Chelene will share insight coming out form her research in this area, showing how this journey has more to do with People as the change is related to integration and acceptance of new technology. Let’s discover her recommendation in this 57 minutes talk.

Embracing Unexpected Change by Todd Dewett

Unexpected changes will happen and not always in the way we expect, but how we deal with the changes is what makes the difference. Creating the right perspective of change and having the right attitude can open our eyes to new possibilities that previously we couldn’t see or weren’t interesting enough to explore but with huge hidden potential. In this short course, Todd Dewett will share some tips and techniques to deal with these unexpected situations and create the right perpective. This talk last only 14 minutes.

Building Creative Organizations by Thea Polancic

Have you wondered what is the way to win in the current markets, Innovation! but how to motivate the organisation. how to move everybody and promote the creativity in a sustainable way.In this course, Thea will shares concrete steps you can take immediately to strengthen creativity inside of your organisation. This is a course for a couple of coffees as it last 1 hour.

Hope you enjoy this selection and don’t be shy, share your comments below
Happy Learning

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Hope you find this useful, if you have any question please visit my twitter @bigg_blog and if you have a couple of pounds buy me a coffee.