
30min for your development with Lynda #19


Today’s playlist is for the next week, so you have the weekend to download the courses to watch over the week. The first course is about Leaders and High Potential Leaders, in this Ram Charan will share his advice backed up by his years of experience; the second course is from Todd Dewett and is about being a better leader, don’t miss it. The last one is with Kelley OConnell is a continuation of your development in Agile. Take one hour of your daily routine of watching TV and start building a better version of yourself “Self 2.0

Ram Charan on Coaching High Potentials

Business does not compete, leaders do. With this intro, Ram Charan start this talk, which is a call for leaders to create value by developing the next generation, that understands the new dynamics of the world and realise their potential to influence and thrive. This is a short talk of 28 minutes, highly recommended.

Lead Like a Boss by Todd Dewett

This course is a collection of 15 advises, where Todd will share interesting tips. I like the tips for effective meetings, like using a bucket of iced water, that one for sure keeps people focused on the meeting, thanks to our team we always go for a walk after lunch, which makes us reflect and come back with a clear mind to finish the rest of the day.

Scrum: Advanced by Kelley OConnell

This is the continuation of the Scrum course, recommended in the Playlist #2, with a deep dive into the framework. In this course, you will learn advanced scrum techniques that can make you more effective. Kelley, will go into the details of the Product Owner and Scrum Master, also offering tips to tweak the techniques to suit your project best.

Hope you enjoy this selection and don’t be shy, share your comments below
Happy Learning

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Hope you find this useful, if you have any question please visit my twitter @bigg_blog and if you have a couple of pounds buy me a coffee.