
30min for your development with Lynda #21


The playlist for today has 3 very important courses, over an hour each. So please download the courses and put some time in your agenda to complete over the week. We start with Product Management, which is a collection of tips from someone that once was new in the role, easy to understand and digest. The second and third is about Managing and be a Leader in a changing environment even if you are impacted by the change, how to get the best of you and Lead your Team and Organization, don’t miss them. Continue investing time in yourself, break the daily routine and start building a better version of you “Self 2.0

Product Management Tips by Cole Mercer

Are you new to the Product Management role? this course is exactly what you will need to have a good start. It is a collection of tips presented by Cole Mercer, who once was new to the role. He presents his findings and shares tips to help to you understand the processes associated, the Agile environment, and what PM is not. Download the material and put in your agenda 2 or 3 sessions to complete this 1 hour and 12 minutes course.

Managing Organizational Change for Managers by Donna Brighton

Have you been in the position to communicate and make the change in your organization a success but also been impacted and probably not happy with the decision, but clearly that is the right thing to do? In this course, Donna Brighton will explore what is your role in the change process and how you can contribute and lead your team through multiple changes happening at once, and become a Change Champion. This course will require 3 sessions of around 30 minutes to complete.

Managing in Difficult Times by Jan Rutherford

Tough times separate great leaders from the rest. What do leaders do to manage effectively in difficult times? It’s as much about what they do to prepare as it is about how they react. Jan Rutherford introduces to important tools for keeping you and your team focused, inspired, and effective during times of change or crisis. This course is about 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Hope you enjoy this selection and don’t be shy, share your comments below
Happy Learning

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Hope you find this useful, if you have any question please visit my twitter @bigg_blog and if you have a couple of pounds buy me a coffee.