
30min for your development with Lynda #25

The playlist today is a track for Product Managers. Starting with Problem Solving Techniques, Designing and Running Experiments and finally Communication. Download the content and prepare yourself for the upcoming week. Remember, learning is a continuous task, “Self 2.0”.

Problem Solving Techniques by Chris Croft

In this course you will learn techniques to help you to identify the cause of a problem, generating options and selecting the best solution. Chris Croft takes you through several methods for identifying what’s causing a problem, also explains how to generate potential solutions using mind maps and decision trees, how to boost your creativity to help you come up with more insightful options. This course is 1 hour 32 mins long.

Designing and Running Experiments for Product Managers by Cole Mercer and Evan Kimbrell

MVPs (minimum viable products) are designed to test new ideas and features. They may have little or no functionality, but they have to be credible to gather accurate feedback. This course teaches you the steps to design and run successful, convincing MVP experiments. In 2 hours 14 mins instructors Cole Mercer and Evan Kimbrell show how to nail down your business hypothesis and define the minimum criteria for success.

Communication for Product Managers by Jay Clouse

As a product manager, you serve as the diplomat of the product team. You’re tasked with communicating with stakeholders inside the product team, outside the product team, and even outside the company. The course includes real-life scenarios that show these communication strategies in action during phases of product management. It is 47 minutes long.

Hope you enjoy this selection and share your comments below
Happy Learning

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