30min for your development with Lynda #3
As I promised, today I bring you the third playlist for the weekend with courses on Innovation, Data Science and a course that I really found funny and useful when designing communication campaigns, another good skill to have for our “Self 2.0”
Design Thinking: Understanding the Process by Chris Nodder
Chris defines Design Thinking as “the design methodology on everyone’s mind”, in this course he will talk about the benefit of implementing this methodology from different perspectives and how this improves the way you connect with customers, by exercising a better understanding of their needs and proposing innovative solutions. This course has a total duration of 42 minutes; our 30 minutes of initial engagement we will cover up to section 4.
Learning Data Science: Tell Stories With Data by Doug Rose
If you are in a Journey to become a Data Scientist, this is a great course to start, in fact even if you produce colourful data visualisations with excel. This is another course produce by Doug (we have been taking few courses with him last two weeks) but this time is about how to tell stories with data, is about the data can “speak” and how to draw that communication with your audience. The total length of this course is 1 hour and 20 minutes, section 1 and 2 is 30 minutes, but surely you will want to continue until the end.
Designing Emotion: How To Use Design To Move People by Stefan Mumaw
This is not a Technical course related to IT but is a great course related to design and emotions, you will learn how to improve your storytelling as well as communications to motivate and move to actions. Is a great course to understand how to better express your ideas when collaborating with designers, and a tool you should have if you need to do a bit of Change Management. The duration is 27 minutes, which will go super fast.
As you can see today’s playlist is centred in communication for different individuals, from understanding your customer and propitiate innovation, to plan a communication that motivates actions.
Hope you enjoy and share your comments, is a way to interact and know more people
Have a great day