
30min for your development with Lynda #5


Here another great playlist with three suggestion to invest 30 mins of your time in yourself; to improve your skills as a manager and a team player; certainly skills needed to build a better you “Self 2.0

Leading with Stories by Paul A. Smith

We all love stories, they are powerful resources to motivate people. But How we can use stories in the business environment? What makes a good story? What do you need to make an engaging story? In this course, Paul Smith will share a few recipes so you can make inspiring stories to motivate people. Total duration is 39 mins, probably a small break before the last section will help you.

Learning Brainstorming by Stefan Mumaw

Do you know how to conduct a Brainstorming Session? Do you understand the purpose? This course will help you in both cases; giving techniques and tips to improve your sessions, even if you are an advance user of it. The initial 30 mins will give you the rules, in the 13 mins left you will get tips to improve results.

Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers by Sara Canaday

By this time of the year, many fellow employees are having their mid-year review, this is to realign all in terms of objectives and goals towards the strategy. This course is to refresh your skills for coaching and give you some helpful tips for the upcoming sessions. The length of the course is 35 minutes.

Hope you enjoy this selection and share your comments below
Have a great day

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