
30min for your development with Lynda #8


Closer to the weekend and a new playlist ready for you with courses on Curiosity and Digital Transformation to complement last week and DevOps aligned to our technical track. Knowledge to build a better us, “Self 2.0”.

Applied Curiosity by Becki Saltzman

Applied curiosity is a course to help and inspire you to apply curiosity as an element to motivate innovation. Becki Saltzman shows how to put your innate curiosity to work, how to strengthen your curiosity muscle and ask smarter questions to solve problems, and even avoid common data blind spots that can lead to faulty conclusions. The duration is 52mins, the initial 30 mins will bring you up to section 3.

Effectively Leading Digital Transformation by Phil Gold

New technology is impacting how companies do business. In this course, Phil will explain how leaders and managers can enable digital transformation. He shares stories of how disruptive technologies are changing business, the blockers that keep companies from adopting them. Also how to motivate everyone on your company through digital transformation, including non-technical staff. The first 30 mins will brief you about transformation and blockers.

DevOps Foundations by Ernest Mueller and James Wickett

DevOps is a culture that ensures collaboration and communication between software engineers (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). Ernest and James will share their knowledge on the practice of DevOps, the CAMS principles, including tools, frameworks and best practices tom implement DevOps also will talk about how ITIL and ITSM fit in DevOps. At the end of the course, they provide references to expand on this topic. I recommend you split into sessions of 30mins the total 2h 53mins.

Hope you enjoy this selection and share your comments below
Have a great day

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Hope you find this useful, if you have any question please visit my twitter @bigg_blog and if you have a couple of pounds buy me a coffee.